
well, went shopping with felicia
i haven't seen her for a long long, long time lor
hmm..two years ago it was also her who accompanied me to meet darling for the 1st time.. hehehe! sounds really long ago huh ?
got darling something from RE at the hereen, really happy that he liked it muacks !
hmm..i got myself some starburst candies from candy empire anyway! LOVE 'EM !
watched hotel rawanda, really really nice show
4 out of 5 bites. a total must watch !

did nothing at home, rot rot &rot. evening went for music practise, such a kill throat.
went to church really early today, starts at 9 this week somemore i was the backup singer but before i even could do my make up, we had to leave already. and all i've done was to style my hair!! i ahven't even started on make-up at all ! so i had to fucking do it in the car, man. IT WAS SO TOUGH! the foundation and everything was all right, but mascara ! >.<>
went home to get my stuff, dad sent me to downtown east. i was meeting weisan, flor &karen at the entrance of wild wild wet @ 12pm. &&&i was like freaking scared i couldnt meet them or what, cos they were already there at 9plus, so i cannot call them to find out where they are it was so scary can ! like.. how, if they forget the time and didnt come to meet me at the entrance.. scary leh.. wait there alone.. lolss.
it was alot alot of fun ! omg i totally hate the tsunami pool ! even with the stupid float you still have to struggle to stay above water, fuck. then what the hell is it for ? and the wave ! AHH! the wave lasted so long ! the four of us was like trying so hard to keep together *pant pant* it's killing me, i swear my leg muscles were toner the next day. and today i didnt go to school because of the bodyache, when i swing my arms still got *kiak kiak* sound de. VERY SCARY LOR! i thought might break or what.
lolss, i wanted to play the slide up so much !! but none of them wanted to play it ! *sobs* lolss ! weisan was like so so funny can ! we were play ular-lar mar, the 6 people ride. weisan was like grabbing on so tightly, her expression was.. i cannot describe !! she's so cute la.
and i was so so stupid to forget to bring and extra shirt so flor lend me hers. i gotta thank her so much phew, then we went to eat pizza hut ! both flor &fidel LLOOVVEE sweet 'n spicy drumlets! we had like.. 5 each ! and we shared a hawaiian pizza
didnt go to sch.. i woke up with this really bad bodyache lor, when i tried to sit up it was already very painful. thennnnnnnnn at 1 plus i went to compass point, got my brows trimmed at Leonard Drake, FUCK! i didnt know plucking brow was SO fucking painful. the last time i went for brows trimming at jean yip yishun branch (btw, it was a very bad job @ jean yip) they dont use tweezers but instead they use blades. but truthfully, the slow & painful brow job @ Leonard Drake was so so so much better than jean yip. The environment was tonnes better than jean yip, soothing music the lighting was just right (not too glaring)
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